Coral Guardian : Why protect corals

with 2 Comments

Importance of coral conservation

Why should we support coral conservation ?

Coral reefs are one of the largest and most complex ecosystems on the planet. They are not only beautiful to look at, they are also of immense importance !

They are home to more than 4000 species of fish and thousands of other animals and plants. Scientists estimate over one million species of plants and animals are associated with the coral reef ecosystem.

Moreover they are not only supporting biodiversity, they are also of tremendous value to humankind - to you and me !

Coral reefs are the ocean’s lungs, provide humans with resources and services worth $375 billion each year. 

All divers out there, why do you love diving around the tropics so much? It's the WONDERful corals, which support all this impressive marine life.
All the business involved in snorkelling, diving and marine wildlife watching - Coral reefs are your base. 

So to all operations still throwing the anchor : Please stop it!
Furthermore, to all divers and water enthusiasts : Please do not go with operators throwing anchors. You support with everything you buy - let's support good things only ! Don't be shy to ask before signing up for a trip 🙂


No matter what you love - Coral reefs play their part


Coral reefs favour over 500 million people all over the world for food, protection and jobs. They buffer shorelines against storms, erosion and floods.
On top of all this, they are also an important source for the development of new medicines.

BLUE wonders went to visit Coral Guardian and we can say : Those guys are doing an incredible amazing job and deserve all our support !
Any questions ? Please do not hesitate to leave a comment or contact us.

For more information about the WONDER "coral reefs" and how YOU can help to protect it : Visit Coral Guardian

2 Responses

  1. Manuela from switzerland
    | Reply

    So a Great work !!! Thank you all

  2. saMEERa
    | Reply

    Thank you Manuela 🙂 We are very happy you like it

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